Thursday, November 15, 2012

Doughnut Hole Acorns

As the temperature drops and December inches near, I am slowly getting more and more in the Christmas spirit! Though I have vowed to myself I will NEVER start to "deck the halls" before Thanksgiving, I have devised a way to channel all my energy in a different direction:  
fall themed treats!

Everyone loves doughnuts and chocolate, so why not figure out a way out of the ordinary to create something tasty and cute? Throw in some nuts, toffee bits, and pretzels and we're on to something! Not to mention this is quick and easy, everyone will love it - especially the kids!

Doughnut Hole Acorns
A bag of doughnut holes, or homemade doughnut holes
(I'll have a recipe and tutorial on homemade doughnut holes up shortly.)
Pretzel sticks, or small pretzels
Toffee bits, chopped nuts, or sprinkles

Step One
First pour the nutella and heath bits into separate bowls and break the pretzels into sticks if you need to. I sent my nephew to the store to get me pretzel sticks, I even showed him a picture of the kind of pretzels I wanted. But I still got regular mini pretzels! That's okay though! It is still cute either way, you just have to break the pretzels up to get longer pieces. But pretzel sticks are definitely the easy way to go!

Step Two
In this recipe I used homemade doughnut holes as the base of my acorn, doughnut holes from the store are just as effective! I'm still perfecting my doughnut holes, so once I get those down pat and share worthy, I'll post the recipe on here too! So be looking for it!

To begin the process you'll want to take a doughnut hole and dip it in the nutella. I found that if I warmed it up a little bit in the microwave it adhered to the doughnut holes a lot easier. But CAUTION! If you warm the nutella up too much it'll start to clump, so be sure to warm up just a little at a time.
Step Three
Immediately after dipping the doughnut hole in the chocolate, you'll want to dip it in the toffee bits, or chopped peanuts. My mom loves Heath, toffee - anything with a coffee based flavor! So I decided to pick up Heath Toffee bits at Walmart instead of peanuts, only to have her tell me I should have gotten peanuts! Everyone prefers different things, so it wouldn't hurt to do some of each. Also brown sprinkles look cute as the acorn topper too!

After you have it dipped in both the nutella and the toffee bits poke in the pretzel into the center of the top of the acorn!

Continue to do this over and over until you reach the amount of "acorns" that you are aiming for, or until you run out of doughnut holes! Believe me, you can never make too many of these! Especially if you have kids around, they were gone within an hour after I made mine! But that's what happens when you have 10 nieces and nephews!

Not only is this a bite sized, kid friendly treat, but it's also super fast and easy to make! These will definitely be served for dessert on Thanksgiving! Happy Friday, and enjoy the weekend!

Oh, and GO STATE! I am definitely one proud Wildcat, it's amazing that Kansas State has made it to 10-0, AND to be #1 in the nation!!!

Kara Louise

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